
买车一汽奔腾B70 ?何解?

买车一汽奔腾B70 ,百分之10的税,加上杂七杂八的上路怎么也得13-14万.每次保养机油机滤是240块左右.百公里如果你开的好的话8个左右油市区里.(12万是手动的,我自动2.0豪华百公里目前是10个左右.我开车比较费油了.)车友会里有位大侠车子百公里6个.每5000公里一次保养,如果你换好点机油的话是一万公里.



In this summer, i got a job to the "DAD" company. this job is our teacher to introduce me to do it. and i must finish this job have two week time. i had been there to work have five day ago. in this course i knew some new friends. In this company my job is about the customer service. but i feel so tire every day, because i didn't have some more job to do, everyday i just sit dowm and waiting to have lunch day by day. i hate this course to live. nothing to do is also no good to me, i just want to have some more job to do it. boring life isn't sit to me. i want to have some chance to do which one i never do it. just this .
Never say give up. come on.


About attitude

You know, there are some things in life we simply cannot change or control, like certain disease, law, the weather, other divers on the road. We cannot control other people’s attitude toward us, but we can always control our own attitude! And friend, your attitude everyday makes all the difference in the world to your life. So no matter how bad things get, you still can choose to either let if make you bitter or let it make you better.
This content is form a magazine. I very like this content and make me to know how to give my right attitude to my life.


The purpose of flameout protector

When we use the cook top, the fire may be extinct because of the wind or overflowing water. In this case, the protector may cut off gas to prevent some accidents happening because of its leakage, such as poisoning, explosion or fire. In this way, it realizes its safety protection function.


Are you so irrationally?

March 17, in the United States a university engaged in a sad thing. From the day a South Korean students in his reading of the University scrapping 32 victims of the same school. This incident shocked the National countries. Regarding this matter was I was very sad. for you will lose what reason? Every human life is precious. Each person has his existence value, you can not claim the lives of others, should you so cruel? Seems you do, I despise you. When one of the problems encountered should be to solve problems. Instead of creating them. And you eventually choose a road of no return. I feel so sad for you.


wonderful song

Last term, I had an English class in school. This day the English teacher told us a wonderful song to us, and her asked us follow this song word to write down something to this song word. The first time I listen this song. And I feel so good to this song, this class I listen very hard, and enjoy this song. According to this class, I fill in love to this song. And I always enjoy this song anyway. This song is “ Never Have A Dream Come True”. Let us to enjoy this song. I feel so good.


It is my experience how to design my blog

In the design of a blog is a personal website, I was measured according to the following steps. First, the position, according to my own name, the English name for the blog. This was to allow more people know me or do not know my friend better share my blog, and the theme of my blog: "let us to enjoy our college life." This is because attract substantial I belong to the people together, and I enjoy his university life. Second, the blog is to write some more of my life. In this blog I wrote four articles in which there is my friend introduced me to study the local scenery those hopes others can browse through my blog, and to attract more people. Third, how to increase the volume of their tour. QQ is when we had just begun using the services on my blog to my friends, but they know who are found browsing, like no other person did not know. I started on the upswing different blog upswing visit there to express their views. The effectiveness is pretty good.Finally, through to oneself many week experience, I starts to think I must own real place at the same time on the abundant guest, wants to say me wants to do all writes on the abundant guest, cannot solely only in order to glance over the quantity, but is really achieves.

make wish

make wish